

Apr 24 2014

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Dominic and the Living Word

A great resource from Aquinas College is Dominic and the Living Word a weekly gospel mediation delivered to your inbox every Tuesday. If you haven’t signed up yet you can do so at this link as well as read past reflections. As a preview the current post from last Tuesday is reproduced below:

Today’s Gospel (John 20:11–18) brings us to the first proclamation of the resurrection! Mary Magdalene goes to the tomb and finds angels instead of the body of Jesus. She doesn’t understand the meaning. Caught up in her grief, she sees Jesus, and because she doesn’t recognize him, she tells him she is looking for the body of Jesus. Only when Jesus calls her by name does she recognize her Lord! At this, Mary goes off to announce to the disciples that Jesus is Risen. Mary Magdalene becomes the Apostle of the Apostles.
Sometimes we get so caught up in our grief, in our projects, in our work that we fail to recognize Christ presences among us. Do we see Him present in others? Today is a great day to ask to have the eyes of Faith so that we, like St. Mary Magdalene, can first of all recognize Christ and secondly bring the Good News of the Resurrection to all peoples!
It is because of Mary Magdalene’s role in proclaiming the resurrection that she is the Patroness of the Dominican Order. Please pray that we will be faithful preachers of the Gospel.
St. Dominic, preacher of grace, Pray for us!

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