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Temp II
This year the Temp II Program will use the following source texts:
Beginnings in Spiritual Life by Fr. Dominic Hoffman, O.P. [Amazon] [Publisher]
New Wine of Dominican Spirituality by Fr. Paul Murray, O.P. [Amazon]
The Laity’s Role in Today’s Church – Pope John Paul II’s Christifideles Laici by Anthony J. Bevilacqua, Archbishop of Philadelphia [PDF]
The Libellus of Jordan of Saxony by Bl. Jordan of Saxony [PDF]
Treatise on the Spiritual Life by St. Vincent Ferrer [PDF]
Download the entire Temp II source listing and schedule [PDF]
St. Imelda
ReadingBeginnings in Spiritual Life
Chapters 1-2: About God and OurselvesChapters 3-6: Preparation for Love
Bl. Margaret of Castello
ReadingBeginnings in Spiritual Life
Chapters 7-13: Preparation for Love
Bl. Henry Suso
ReadingBeginnings in Spiritual Life
Chapters 14-17: Prayer: The Language of LoveChapters 18-21: The Mass and Sacraments: The Lifeblood of Love
St. Raymond of Pennafort
ReadingBeginnings in Spiritual Life
Chapters 22-23: The Heart of the True Lover: The Nature of Christian PerfectionChapters 24-26: The Characteristics of the True Lover: The Virtues in General
St. Louis Marie de Montfort
ReadingBeginnings in Spiritual Life
Chapters 27-33: The Companions of Love: Some Virtues in Particular
St. Agnes of Montepulciano
ReadingBeginnings in Spiritual Life
Chapters 34-42: The Companions of Love: Some Virtues in Particular
Bl. Pier Giorgio FrassatiGiorgio: A Modern Day Miracle Story [YouTube]
ReadingBeginnings in Spiritual Life
Chapters 43-44: Love and the Works of LoveChapters 45-49: Perseverance in Love
St. Vincent Ferrer
ReadingThe Libellus of Jordan of SaxonyTreatise on the Spiritual Life
St. Zdislava Berka
ReadingThe Laity’s Role in Today’s Church – Pope John Paul II’s Christifideles Laici
New Wine of Dominican Spirituality
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