Category Archive: Video

Jul 28 2013

Introduction to the Liturgy of the Hours

The first of a series of occasional videos on the Liturgy of the Hours in Roman Catholicism. The importance of choir seating.

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Jul 27 2013

Compline with the Sisters

Video of Compline with our own Nashville Dominicans.

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Jul 27 2013

Fr. Peter John Cameron, OP on Preaching

  A talk on Dominican Preaching given at the Dominican House of Studies on February 10, 2007 by Fr. Peter John Cameron, O.P. (Editor-in-Chief of MAGNIFICAT) Fr. Cameron speaks about the importance of preaching for the New Evangelization, in which the preacher must speak to peoples hearts in order to lead them to an encounter …

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Jul 27 2013

How to Pray the Liturgy of the Hours

How to Pray the Liturgy of the Hours from OLFF Maine on Vimeo. Leon Griesbach, Director of Music for the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Portland, leads a Catechetical Skill Session on “How to Pray the Liturgy of the Hours.” This is part of a series sponsored by the Office of Lifelong Faith Formation of …

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Jul 27 2013

St. Dominic and the Protectress of the Order of Preachers

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