At his Tuesday homily Pope Francis reminds us that knowledge alone will not teach us what we need to know about God unless we also approach God in humility like children. Although studying “will tell them many things, they will not understand anything,” he (Pope Francis) said. More from CNA.
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Nov 23 2014
An apt quotation for today: Both Evangelists designate Jesus’ preaching with the Greek term evangelion—but what does that actually mean? The term has recently been translated as “good news.” That sounds attractive, but it falls far short of the order of magnitude of what is actually meant by the word evangelion. This term figures in …
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Nov 21 2014
I had been looking for a copy of Williams Ott’s Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma for quite a while and a couple of years ago finally managed to find a used paperback copy. (It’s available now in hardback at TAN Books.) It being near Lent I decided I’d read the book straight through as my Lenten …
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Nov 20 2014
Recently there was a three day interreligious colloquium called Humanum on the complementarity of man and woman in marriage. There is an interview with Gerhard Cardinal Müller in the National Catholic Register about the colloquium. The way the family is undervalued or threatened in many places is akin to standing on a precipice; we must stop …
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