

Nov 20 2014

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Cardinal_Muller_Humanum-255x255Recently there was a three day interreligious colloquium called Humanum on the complementarity of man and woman in marriage. There is an interview with Gerhard Cardinal Müller in the National Catholic Register about the colloquium.

The way the family is undervalued or threatened in many places is akin to standing on a precipice; we must stop and not make that final step from which there is no return. In attacks against marriage as a complementary union of man and woman, we are seeing a kind of suicide of humanity itself, especially in the secularized West — in Europe, the United States, North America. The difference between man and woman is a positive reality because it reflects the will of God in creation, and the will of God is good and aimed at human flourishing!

Read more: http://www.ncregister.com/daily-news/cardinal-mueller-attacks-on-marriage-are-a-suicide-of-humanity/#ixzz3Je1gSJDO

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