

Nov 16 2014

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Exegesis via Rosary

rosary-hands-istock-montageOne of the questions that comes up when you start thinking about Scriptures is how to correctly interpret the Scriptures. That would be exegesis the drawing out of meaning from the Bible versus eisegesis which is interpreting in a way that puts your views into Scripture. There are many tools from a variety of viewpoints that help us with the literal interpretation of Scripture. The spiritual interpretation, built on the literal, can be even tougher. Today I ran across an article on the Inebriate Me blog about how the Rosary leads us to that correct interpretation. It’s worth a read.

To “open the Scrolls,” then, we must do so from the heart of the Church. In other words, we must, like the Church, be like Mary, and be blessed because we heard the Word and keep it. It is Mary who helps us unlock the Scriptures.

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