

Jun 18 2014

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Pray for Our Fellow Dominicans in Iraq

Please pray for our fellow Dominicans in Iraq. The following was sent out not long after the current situation began:


Bad news. I am writing to you in a very critical situation and apocalyptic violence in Mossoul. The most part of the inhabitants of the city have already abandoned their homes and flee in the villages and sleep under the stars without anything to eat or drink. Several thousands of armed men of Islamist groups of Da’sh, have attacked the town of Mosul for two days. They have murdered both the old and the young. Corpses by hundred are abandoned in the streets and in the houses without mercy. The armed forces and police as well as the governor have fleed from them and the city. In the mosques they shout “Allah Akbar, vive the Islamic State”. Qaraqosh(where the majority of the Christians are — and many of the Dominicans) is crammed with the refugees of all kinds, without food and shelter. Check points and the Kurdish forces prevent the countless waves of refugees to enter in Kurdistan. What we are seeing and living is horrible and catastrophic for the last two days. The convent of Mar Behnam and other churches have fallen this morning in the hands of the rebels, …. and behold, they have returned in Quaraqosh about five minutes ago and we are all surrounded and threatened by the death ….. pray for us. Sorry I can no longer continue … They are not far from our conventDo not respond …. The Tuesday, June 10, 2014 12:20 PM
Fr. Najeeb Michaeel o.p

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