Category Archive: Found on the Net

Oct 14 2014

The Dominican Option

While the culture at large continues its move away from the Christian moorings that has anchored it in the past there are those who have taken up the question of how Christians should respond. While some have proposed a Benedictine Option of small communities of virtue maintaining a Christian culture. At First Things C.C. Pecknold …

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Oct 04 2014

Odds and Ends from the Web

Here are links to some articles that I’ve found particularly informative over the past few days. With the new Left Behind movie opening this week the always readable Msgr. Charles Pope has the following reflection on “the Rapture” and the Catholic understanding of eschatology. Don’t Worry about being “Left Behind”. Fear of the Incarnation and …

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Aug 15 2014

25 Questions for Protestants

I’ve been meaning to begin a series of posts about apologetics and Protestantism in general. In the interim over on the Man in the Woods blog Heidi Chapman has a post 25 Questions Every Catholic Should Ask an Evangelical About the Bible that covers some of the points I wanted to make. Stay tuned for my …

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Aug 05 2014

Update from Iraq

Here is an update from the Dominican Sisters of St. Catherine of Siena in Iraq dated August 3rd from the website. So far, 510 families have been displaced from Mosul. Some were fortunate to leave before the deadline ISIS set as they were able to take their belongings with them. However, 160 families of …

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Aug 04 2014

Thomas Aquinas in 50 Pages

As members of the Dominican family we are rightly proud of the Angelic Doctor St. Thomas Aquinas. He was undoubtedly one of the brightest men to ever live and his works such as the Summa Theologiæ and the Catena Aurea are treasure troves of the best of Catholic thought about the nature of God, Man, virtue, the …

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