

Dec 18 2014

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Praying Scripture for a Change

41uURo5XhIL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_Praying Scripture for a Change is an introduction to the practice of Lectio Divina written by Dr. Tim Gray. Dr. Gray is the president of the Augustine Institute, a professor of Scripture at St. John Vianney Seminary in Denver, and has contributed to the development of The Great Adventure Bible Study Series. Using Guido the Carthusian’s Ladder of Monks as a base Dr. Gray explains and gives examples of each rung on the ladder from Lectio (reading), Meditatio (meditation), Oratio (prayer), Contemplatio (contemplation), and an additional rung Operatio (practice) in how to combine two of our Dominican pillars (Prayer and Study) to form a spiritual alloy that strengthens each and us.

“When you pray, you speak with God; when you read, God speaks to you” – St. Cyprian

Any relationship takes work. Our relationship with God even more so.  Often times we have difficulty listening to other people much less the still small voice of God. We end up rambling like small children saying anything that comes to mind. Cultivating the practice of Lectio Divina helps us to hear God’s voice. It can provide a chance to enter into a real give and take conversation with God. It’s a given that He knows us, and He wants us to know Him too. This book would be an excellent beginning down this path.

This book is available at Amazon and Ascension Press.

Permanent link to this article: http://3optn.com/main/archives/1041

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