Aug 06 2014

Heroic Priesthood

Fr. Robert Baron’s Word on Fire has a new project out called Heroic Priesthood. You can watch this inspiring short film below and visit the website for more resources. Pass this along to others especially any young men who may be considering the priesthood. Remember that Holiness is Heroism.

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Aug 05 2014

Update from Iraq

Here is an update from the Dominican Sisters of St. Catherine of Siena in Iraq dated August 3rd from the website.

So far, 510 families have been displaced from Mosul. Some were fortunate to leave before the deadline ISIS set as they were able to take their belongings with them. However, 160 families of them left Mosul with only their clothes on; everything they had was taken away from them.

These families are in so much need of help and support. People in Christian towns that received these refugees opened their homes to provide shelters and food for them, as much as they could. People are strongly willing to help, but the fact that they did not have their salaries for two months (June- July) makes it extremely difficult for them to offer more. As the salaries of government employees in areas under ISIS control are being suspended. Additionally, because of the present situation in Mosul and the whole province (of Nineveh) the economy of the state is suffering, which naturally affects everyone. Since the tension started in Mosul, many people lost their jobs as 99% of jobs stopped, which means there is hardly any money to be used let alone loaning to those who are in need. This is not only in the province of Nineveh, but also in Erbil. Moreover, all Christians in the plain of Nineveh have not received their food supplement, which the government used to provide via the smart ration card. This is causing a crisis not only for the refugees, but also for the residents in the area.

Read the whole article at and keep our fellow Christians in the Middle East in your prayers.

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Aug 04 2014

Thomas Aquinas in 50 Pages

As members of the Dominican family we are rightly proud of the Angelic Doctor St. Thomas Aquinas. He was undoubtedly one of the brightest men to ever live and his works such as the Summa Theologiæ and the Catena Aurea are treasure troves of the best of Catholic thought about the nature of God, Man, virtue, the Scriptures, and more. Unlocking St. Thomas’ thought can be tough for the modern reader. There are many good resources out there and one that is easily available and an easy introduction to St. Thomas is Thomas Aquinas in 50 Pages by Taylor Marshall. From the introduction:

Why should you read a book about Thomas Aquinas?

This is the world’s most concise and easy to read book on the thought of Saint Thomas Aquinas. It’s only 50 pages, so be aware that it is not the most thorough treatment. A thorough treatment would be 5,000 pages, but you don’t have that much time. Nevertheless, if you read this short book and understand what it lays out, you will be in the top 0.001% of people in the world who have a working knowledge of the philosophy and theology of Saint Thomas Aquinas. You will have the knowledge to pass a class called “Thomas Aquinas 101,” and you will be ready to study Thomas Aquinas at the collegiate level. You will have the building blocks to move forward.

I’d highly recommend going to and signing up for his free email updates to get this book in pdf format.

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Aug 04 2014

The Catholic Gateway Drug

Ryan Kraeger describes his ascent into Catholic spirituality be beginning with just three simple Hail Marys a day.

Once upon a time I was a teenage Catholic who wanted to go to heaven when I died, someday. I figured I would get the going to heaven thing taken care of and then get down to the business of living life, knowing that I had the afterlife under control. I suppose there was a sort of wisdom in that. That is, I recognized a fundamental principle that “what does it matter if one gains the whole world, if you pay for it by losing your soul.” I realized that it would be a bit embarrassing if I made it through life acheiving all sorts of great things, and found that I had missed the grade by a few Masses or a good confession. So I set out to find for myself what I had to do to get to heaven.

More at Ignitum Today

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Jul 22 2014

Feast of St. Mary Magdalene

Today being the Feast of Mary Magdalene we have a couple of links.

An explanation of the devotion of the Order to Mary Magdalene from the Nashville Dominican site.

A beautiful poem from the OpEast site by Matthew Powell, O.P.

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