Aug 15 2014

Assumption of the Virgin Mary

Vigil of the Assumption by Fra Angelico (1432)

Dormition of the Virgin by Fra Angelico (1432)

Today is the Feast of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, in the East known as the Dormition of the Theotokos, and is a holy day of obligation. For more information about the dogma of the Assumption check out these articles by Fr. Longenecker and Jimmy Akin.

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Aug 13 2014

LCWR in Nashville

From now until Saturday, August 16th the Leadership Conference of Women Religious are having their annual meeting in Nashville. While our own Nashville Dominicans are not members, please pray a Rosary for their leadership, members, and Bishop Sartain.

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Aug 13 2014

Lila Rose on Hannity Tonight

Just a quick note that Lila Rose will be on the Hannity show tonight at 9PM on Fox News. Also be sure to check out the upcoming 40 Days for Life this coming September 24th – November 2nd.

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Aug 08 2014

Feast of St. Dominic

8_8_st-dominic1Happy Feast of St. Dominic

May Saint Dominic
come to the help of your Church
by his merits and teaching,
O Lord, and may he,
who was an outstanding preacher of your truth,
be a devoted intercessor on our behalf.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever.

Pie Pater

Holy Father, cast thy mind
On the work thy hands designed.
In the Judge’s presence stand
For thy poor and lowly band.

Here’s a link to the Little Office of St. Dominic in pdf format.

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Aug 06 2014

Saints and Social Justice

I recently finished Brandon Vogt’s Saints and Social Justice: A Guide to Changing the World and want to recommend it as an excellent introduction to Catholic social teaching. Too often we look at these teachings through the lens of politics instead of as core moral teachings that we need to integrate into our lives. Vogt gets beyond the ideology of our current political climate and shows how the doctrine was lived by the saints.  The main topics and the saint who illustrate them are:

Available in paperback and Kindle [Amazon]

Available in paperback and Kindle [Amazon]

Life and Dignity of the Human Person (Bl. Teresa of Calcutta, St. Peter Claver)

Call to Family, Community, and Participation
(St. Frances of Rome, Bl. Anne-Marie Javouhey)

Rights and Responsibilities (St. Roque Gonzalez, St. Thomas More)

Option for the Poor and Vulnerable (Bl. Pier Giorgio Frassati, St. Vincent de Paul)

Dignity of Work and the Rights of Workers
(St. Benedict of Nursia, Servant of God Dorothy Day)

Solidarity (St. John Paul II, St. Damien of Molokai)

Care for Creation (St. Giles, St. Isidore the Farmer)

 Also in each section there are examples from the lives of other saints and quotes from magisterial documents that highlight the topic. A quick read worthy of much reflection.

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