Oct 03 2014

Welcome to New Candidates

At our last meeting in September we welcomed the following new Candidates: Carolina Michel-Franco, Patricia Bradley, and Sharon Rehm. Thanks also to those involved in the Ceremony: Sister Henry Suso, O.P. our Spiritual Promoter, Mary Ann Goodrum our President, and Father Wilder, O.P. the Chaplain for the Dominican Sisters.

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Oct 02 2014

Perpetual Adoration at Aquinas College

Perpetual adoration will begin at Aquinas College on October 22nd when Bishop Choby dedicates and blesses the chapel at noon. More information can be found at the Aquinas College website or from the following pdf.

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Sep 11 2014

Cardinal George on a Tale of Two Churches

Cardinal George in his latest column in the Catholic New World tells the tale of two churches and covers the history and the current situation of the Church here in the United States. Our future in America may look to be rocky, but we are Catholic. Universal in time and space. We can look to our brothers and sisters who have suffered and are suffering persecution and take courage by their example. One think we know is that the Church will survive until the Lord returns. We can only pray and work to ensure that it survives here in America until that day.

Throughout history, when Catholics and other believers in revealed religion have been forced to choose between being taught by God or instructed by politicians, professors, editors of major newspapers and entertainers, many have opted to go along with the powers that be. This reduces a great tension in their lives, although it also brings with it the worship of a false god.

Permanent link to this article: http://3optn.com/main/archives/806

Sep 11 2014

Fr. William Carmona, R.I.P.

As many already know William Carmona was a fourth year seminarian at Assumption Seminary in San Antonio when he suffered a terminal recurrence of cancer. Bishop Choby flew to San Antonio on Monday and ordained him a transitional deacon and priest. On Wednesday Fr. Carmona died. Further information can be found at the Tennessee Register, Crux, and National Catholic Register.

Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord,
and let perpetual light shine upon them.
May they rest in peace.


Permanent link to this article: http://3optn.com/main/archives/803

Aug 15 2014

25 Questions for Protestants

I’ve been meaning to begin a series of posts about apologetics and Protestantism in general. In the interim over on the Man in the Woods blog Heidi Chapman has a post 25 Questions Every Catholic Should Ask an Evangelical About the Bible that covers some of the points I wanted to make. Stay tuned for my posts about the subject in the future.

Permanent link to this article: http://3optn.com/main/archives/790

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