Mar 07 2015

Sr.. Elinore Gardner, O.P. – 11 January 2015

Below is the audio from our Guest Speaker Sr.. Elinore Gardner, O.P. on “Truth and Beauty: Problem of the New Age and the Catholic Church”



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Mar 07 2015

Dr. Brian Donahue – 14 December 2014

Below is the audio from our Guest Speaker Dr. Brian Donahue on “The Immaculate Conception”


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Mar 03 2015

2015 Day of Recollection

Congratulations to those who took their Final and Temporary Promises this past January.



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Mar 03 2015


I haven’t been able to update as often as I would have liked lately and so below follows a group update:

Please remember Bishop Choby in your prayers as he recovers from surgery.

Tonight (Tuesday) at 6:30pm central the Institute of Catholic Culture will have a live streaming video presentation on the ‘Dream of the Rood’.

Vatican Radio interviewed former Grand Master of the Order Timothy Radcliffe about his recent trip to Dominicans in Iraq.

Rorate Caeli has an exclusive interview with Cardinal Burke.


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Feb 24 2015

A Penny for Our Thoughts?

Joan Watson is asking for thoughts about the upcoming synod on the family on her website at I know some of you out there have thoughts that are worth at least 1.5¢. So head on over and give them.

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