Apr 25 2015

International Dominican University

Domuni Universitas is an online Dominican University offering Bachelor and Masters courses in theology, philosophy, Scriptures and other subjects. They also offer short courses in various subjects. If you are interested in furthering your education this may be a Dominican option for you. Be sure to check out their journal Telos which has just published its first issue.

Permanent link to this article: http://3optn.com/main/archives/1166

Apr 23 2015

Casa Maria Retreat Schedule

A few weeks ago, the Sister Servants hosted a retreat with Fr. Jacques Philippe, Spiritual Poverty: Living According to the Beatitudes. We wanted to share the first conference with you. You can listen to it or download it by clicking here.

They have also released their retreat schedule for the year which can be found here. Retreat masters include Fr. Andrew Apostoli, Fr. James Junipero Moore, and Fr. Mitch Pacwa and others.

Permanent link to this article: http://3optn.com/main/archives/1177

Apr 23 2015

Intro to Lectio Divina

There will be an Introduction to Lectio Divina led by Joan Watson on Wednesday, May 13th at 7:00pm in Room 103 at Aquinas College. Come and learn how to pray using Scriptures. Be sure to bring your Bible.

Permanent link to this article: http://3optn.com/main/archives/1163

Apr 12 2015

Sr. Mary Dominic, O.P. – March 8, 2015

Below is the audio from our Guest Speaker Sr. Mary Dominic, O.P. on “The Personalities of the Four Evangelists”. Here is a link to a pdf of Sister’s notes from the talk. [SrMaryDominic_notes]


Permanent link to this article: http://3optn.com/main/archives/1142

Mar 07 2015

2015 Day of Recollection

Below is the audio from our 2015 Day of Recollection and the three talks given by Fr. W. Beckett Soule, O.P. our retreat master. As an added bonus I’ve also included his homily during that day’s Mass (although the audio quality of the homily may not be very good).



Permanent link to this article: http://3optn.com/main/archives/1133

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