Chapter Meeting
Sr Gabriella spoke to our Chapter on Learning to Pray with St Catherine of Siena on Sunday, April 10, 2022.
Chapter Meeting
Dr Bill Smart spoke to our Chapter on St Albert the Great.
Chapter Meeting
Quinn Cowan spoke to our Chapter on Evangelization and on the importance of forming deep, personal relationships with people to help them on their faith journey.
Chapter Meeting
Sr Henry Suso and Brad Schepisi conducted a review of the most recently promulgated Rule of our lay fraternity.
Chapter Meeting
Cheryle Miller gave us her testimony on how God miraculously healed her after she suffered from trigeminal neuralgia for seven years.
Chapter Meeting
Stefano Santilli spoke to us on his experience working in prison ministry.
Chapter Meeting
Sister Jane Dominic, O.P. came to speak to our Chapter on Suffering and the Narrative of Redemption.
Chapter Meeting
Sister Anne Catherine, O.P. spoke to our Chapter about Prayer, particularly in terms of the Mass and recent teachings by Pope Francis. The Order of Mass reflections on the Mass …
Fr. Bill Casey, C.P.M. spoke to us on the importance of Fatima. Especially for this year.
Chapter Meeting
Our retreat master for this Day of Recollection was Fr. Giles Dimock, O.P. and sessions were: Dominican Life Bl. Pier Giorgio Frassati Dominican Tradition Day of …